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May 2024

Financial Assessment

 In May 2024 this chapter was replaced with an updated version following a full review. This new version reflects feedback received following a full tri.x legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource section ‘Charging and Assessing Financial Resources’.

Recognising and Responding to Deprivations of Liberty

In May 2024, relevant text amends have been made throughout to reflect the feedback received following a full tri.x legal review of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Procedure.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Procedure

In May 2024, relevant text amends have been made throughout to reflect the feedback received following a full tri.x legal review. In addition to this, information about use of the ADASS Priority Tool for Deprivation of Liberty Requests was added to Section 5, Receiving a Standard Authorisation Request.

Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

This new procedure was added in May 2024.

Joint Packages of Health and Social Care

In May 2024, relevant text amends have been made throughout to reflect the feedback received following a full tri.x legal review of the NHS Continuing Healthcare Procedure.

NHS Continuing Healthcare Procedure

In May 2024, relevant text amends have been made throughout to reflect the feedback received following a full tri.x legal review.

Prisons and Approved Premises

In May 2024, this chapter was fully reviewed and refreshed.

NHS-funded Nursing Care Procedure (FNC)

In May 2024, relevant text amends have been made throughout to reflect the feedback received following a full tri.x legal review of the NHS Continuing Healthcare Procedure.

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

In May 2024, the Home Office Status, Verification, Enquiries and Checking service email was updated.

Requesting a Financial Assessment

In May 2024, text amends were made to reflect changes made to the chapter ‘Financial Assessment’.

Continuity of Care Arrangements

In May 2024, text amends have been made to Section 1, An Introduction to Continuity of Care Arrangements. These amends have been made to reflect feedback received following a full tri.x legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource chapter ‘Continuity of Care when a Person Moves’.

Service Interruptions and Provider Failure

In May 2024, minor text amends have been made to Section 3, Failure of a Regulated Provider. These amends have been made to reflect feedback receivedfollowing a full tri.x legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource chapter ‘Commissioning Responsibilities under the Care Act’.


November 2023

Actions and Next Steps

In November 2023 information about the Caldicott Principles was added to the section ‘Providing Information about a Person/Carer’.

Actions and Next Steps (Carers)

Actions and Next Steps (Hospital Social Work Team)

Actions and Next Steps (Occupational Therapy)

Providing Information about a Person or Carer

In November 2023, information about the Caldicott Principles was added.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Procedure

In November 2023, Section 15, Challenging an Authorisation using Section 21A and Section 16, The Future of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards were added. Section 4, Understanding the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards was updated to provide greater clarity on state imputability. Additionally, the chapter Liberty Protection Safeguards Procedure was deleted.

Ordinary Residence Procedure

In November 2023, a link to the Section 117 Aftercare chapter section on ordinary residence was added and Section 5, Meeting the Urgent Needs of a Person who is not Ordinarily Resident was reviewed and refreshed.

Monitoring Actions (Reablement)

In November 2023, Section 8, Reporting Concerns about a Service Provider was revised to better reflect the remit of the Community Enablement and Reablement team.

Recognising and Responding to Deprivations of Liberty

In November 2023, this chapter was fully reviewed and refreshed. This included moving information about Best Interests into the section ‘Applying to the Court’, adding information about the National Deprivation of Liberty Court and adding a new section ‘Challenging a DoLS Authorisation using Section 21A’. Section 2 ‘Identifying Deprivations of Liberty (ages 18 and over)’ and Section 5 ‘Identifying and Responding to Deprivations of Liberty (ages 16 and 17) were both updated to provide greater clarity on state imputability. 

The Transition Plan

In November 2023, the government toolkit ‘Making Finance Decisions for Young People: Parent and Carer Toolkit’ was added to the list of tools to support the Transition Plan conversation.

Section 117 Aftercare

In November 2023 Section 3, Ordinary Residence was updated to reflect the Supreme Court judgement R (Worcestershire County Council) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2023] UKSC 31.

Also, a link to the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults documents was added to Section 9, Further Information.  

Acting as an Appropriate Adult

This procedure was added in November 2023.

Understanding the Mental Health Act 1983

In November 2023 this new chapter was added to the Mental Health Social Work Team.

CareCubed Procedure

In November 2023, this chapter was reviewed. As part of this review, the telephone number for iESE was removed as it is no longer valid. 

End of Life Procedures and Practice Guidance

In November 2023, Section 10, Advance Care Planning has been refreshed to include information about the Universal Principles of Advance Care Planning.

Joint Packages of Health and Social Care

In November 2023, this chapter was fully reviewed and refreshed.

Deputyship and Financial Affairs

Social Circumstances Report

NHS Continuing Healthcare Procedure

NHS-funded Nursing Care Procedure (FNC)

Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Spaces) Procedure

In November 2023, a new section was added ‘Final Demand Guide’. Updated in May 2023, the Final Demand Guide provides basic advice for health and social care workers, describing how they can practically help people with debt and mental health problems.

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

In November 2023 this chapter was refreshed throughout and amended to reflect changes to the immigration status requirements for people from EEA countries. the guidance ‘Supporting Migrants Lacking Mental Capacity in Relation to Immigration Matters’ was added to Section 1, Using this Procedure and Further Guidance.

Section 11 was updated to include Shared Lives placements.

Community Mental Health Framework

In November 2023 this new chapter was added to the Mental Health Social Work Team. 

Deciding the Outcome of a Contact or Referral (Occupational Therapy)

In November 2023, the section ‘Ordinary Residence’ was reviewed and refreshed.   

Deciding the Outcome of a Contact or Referral

Deciding the Outcome of a Contact or Referral (Hospital Social Work Team)

Deciding the Outcome of a Contact or Referral (Carers)

Receiving a Contact or Referral

In November 2023, a new section was added ‘Identifying Carers’.

May 2023

Joint Packages of Health and Social Care

In May 2023, a link to the new Section 117 Aftercare Procedure was added into Section 1, Section 117.

Section 117 Aftercare

In May 2023, this new procedure was added to the Mental Health Social Work Team.