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Commissioning and Brokerage Procedures

Commissioning and Brokerage Procedures

This procedure should be used:

  1. By frontline practitioners working in social work teams and the Reablement service; when
  2. Any Care and Support Plan/Support Plan/Reablement Plan/Urgent support has been signed off; to
  3. Understand and use the range of local processes for arranging the required services and support; and
  4. Work effectively alongside the Commissioning or Brokerage Team.

Occupational Therapists should refer to the 'Meeting Needs' area of their service homepage for bespoke information about arranging equipment and adaptations.

Although this procedure may be helpful to those people with responsibility for commissioning or brokering services, it does not provide specific guidance about arranging, monitoring or reviewing contracts, or any other associated actions that may be required. Anyone carrying out such actions should refer to available local processes.

The rest of this procedure is in development and will be made available at a future scheduled update.

In the meantime, current processes should be followed to arrange all other services and support, including:

  • Domiciliary care;
  • Residential and nursing placements;
  • Reablement;
  • Telecare;
  • Day Services;
  • Group and individual supported living;
  • Shared Lives;
  • Respite Care;
  • Intermediate Care;
  • Carers First;
  • Other Community-based Services;
  • Ending, Suspending and Varying Services.

These should be available in the Local Resources area. If you require support speak with a line manager.

Last Updated: November 28, 2022
