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Minor Adaptations and Low Level Equipment

This procedure should be used by social care practitioners to order low-level equipment or arrange a minor adaptation through TCES, i.e.:

  1. Occupational Therapists (social care OTs and Rehab OTs);
  2. Occupational Therapy Assistants;
  3. Occupational Therapy Technicians.

Minor adaptations are those that are easily installed and do not require structural changes to the home. They include things like grab rails, stair rails, and bath rails.

Low-level equipment is a small piece of non-specialist equipment that can prevent, reduce, delay or meet a need and includes equipment to help people move around, or get in and out of a chair, bed, or bath.

Note: Equipment to move around does not include walking aids which must be assessed by a Physiotherapist.

Some low-level equipment can help a person to manage but is not generally essential either to meet or to prevent/reduce/delay a need – for instance long-handled sponges, sock gutters, and easy-grip cutlery.  These items are generally not provided – though they can be funded at manager's discretion if recommended by a practitioner.

If you are not clear about what equipment can or cannot be provided talk to your line manager for support.

There is no charge for any low-level equipment or minor adaptations provided to meet social care needs or to prevent, reduce or delay a social care need.  If an equipment item is helpful but not essential, a person would generally be expected to self-fund this item.

Minor adaptations and low level equipment can be provided in any setting, including in a care home, so long as the responsibility to provide the equipment does not fall with the service provider.

Sometimes people may wish to purchase equipment for themselves. There are many useful websites to help people to find what they need - Stoke-on-Trent has the AskSARA website that people can use to:

  1. self assess to see what equipment will best meet their requirements;
  2. purchase equipment from a range of trusted online suppliers.

See: AskSARA.

Step 1

Identify equipment/minor adaptation needs during a proportionate assessment.

Step 2

Order the equipment using the TCES system and record the equipment provided on a case note on LiquidLogic. Generally, equipment will be delivered to the person’s home, but if required (e.g. because the equipment is dangerous without training) the equipment can be delivered to the Civic Centre for the practitioner to take out.

If ordering a minor adaptation, include on the order any relevant information such as where the adaptation is required to be fitted. In some cases (e.g. grab rails) it may be necessary for you to mark the walls where the rail should be fitted.

TCES will only allow you to order equipment that is available and that you have the authority to order.

If the equipment you require is not available on TCES and there is no close technical equivalent, please talk to your line manager

If further authorisation is required TCES will request this.
 (If you do not have access to TCES or have not been trained in its use, please talk to your line manager).

Step 3

TCES will notify you that the equipment is to be delivered to the person. Record this on a Case Note on LiquidLogic.

Step 4

Follow up with the person to review how the equipment is working and provide support with this as required.

Any relevant routine maintenance on equipment provided by the equipment provider is carried out automatically when it is due.

If equipment provided by the equipment service requires repair the person should contact the service provider Medequip directly on 01785 273950.

Any equipment purchased by the person remains their property, and repair/replacement remains their responsibility.

If a person with equipment moves house, they should phone the Social Care OT Service first contact team (via 0800 561 0015) who will arrange for the equipment to be moved to the new house. The first contact team requires at least two weeks’ notice to arrange this.

If the person who is moving also has minor adaptations, the Social Care OT Service will need to reassess the person in their new property to ensure the minor adaptation is still required. This may take some time, so the person should contact the first contact team (via 0800 561 0015) as soon as the move is arranged.

The person (or family member/friend) should contact the equipment provider directly on 01785 273950 to report that the equipment is no longer required.

If the equipment item can be recycled/reused then the equipment provider will arrange to collect the item. If not, the person should dispose of it themselves.

Last Updated: November 28, 2022
